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12-Sep, 2024 - morning links, etc.

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2 days ago
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TIL: no matter how long you think it's going to take, double it.

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i migrated my neovim configuration from packer to lazy, this results in very fast load times, but it really educated me as to what i do and do not need in my editor configuration on a daily basis.

the config is a lot better, but it’s going to require that i maintain some semblance of awareness as to what’s outdated, or not. this also means that i have little bits of configuration that are version dependent. because, well, i couldn’t look away from using some of the latest and the greatest.

misc. notes:

  • the bootstrap process is much more elegant when compared to packer
  • i need to dig into the gist module that i use to address some token allocation issues that i don’t like
  • opening issues in the sulrich/nvim repo seems like a reasonable way to keep myself apprised of stuff i’ve broken.
  • there are probably some lurking loading issues for plugins that i use but haven’t appropriately tickled into instantiation.


  • tags: vim, lua
  • location: 55804
  • weather: ☀️ (Clear) +76°F(+79°F)
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9 days ago
What sort of emacs is this?
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12-Aug, 2024 - morning links, etc.

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  • runZeroInc/sshamble: SSHamble: Unexpected Exposures in SSH

    well, this makes for some interesting reading and novel exposures that i hadn’t really thought of. as a i go through removing some of my old ssh keys (due to quitting my current gig) this is something to think of. perhaps having these published isn’t such a hot idea.

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11 days ago
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Relax, the Only People Panicking About Biden Are Political Insiders, the Media, and Literally Everyone Else

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“Following the debate, the Beltway class is counting Joe Biden out. If we see changes in polling, it won’t be the first time overblown media narratives have driven dips in polls.” — Jen O’Malley Dillon, Biden-Harris Campaign Chair

- - -

All right, everybody calm down. I know Joe Biden didn’t have the best debate performance. Or TV interview. Or radio interview. Or July Fourth address. Still, this whole thing about his age is getting blown way out of proportion by a small group of political insiders, journalists, delegates, donors, former staffers, former presidents, senators, representatives, governors, European diplomats, swing state voters, independents, and regular American taxpayers spread across all fifty states.

As the Biden-Harris campaign chair, it’s my job to tell you to relax and that all this concern about Biden’s mental fitness is just needless bedwetting coming from pretty much everyone in the country. Sure, we’ve seen some losses in the “people paying the slightest bit of attention to current events” demographic. But rest assured, this flock of alarmists only represents the entire voting constituency.

It’s easy to forget, but there is an America that exists outside the privileged clique of people with TVs and functioning organs. If you spend time with everyday folks, they’ll tell you they’re not going to let a bunch of hysterics going on in Washington, DC, Iowa, Alabama, California, Virginia, New York, New Mexico, Texas, Wyoming, and forty-two other states stop them from voting for Biden.

But thanks to a few columnists using their platforms to push fear-mongering op-eds, along with a few million US citizens using their frontal lobes to assemble basic lines of reasoning, Biden’s numbers are taking a totally unearned dip. His donors are scrambling for a backup plan. Senators are calling for him to step aside. This all might seem like an organic shift away from Biden at first glance, but if you dig deeper, you’ll see it’s all being stirred up by literally anyone who watched the nationally televised debate that was our idea to have.

Look, let’s just break down the average person fretting over Biden’s acuity: they’re probably white, or Black, or Asian, or Latino, or Indigenous. They likely have a PhD, or a master’s, or a bachelor’s, or a trade certification, or a high school diploma, or a GED. They live on a coast, don’t live on a coast, or live somewhere else. They work in politics, media, or a field that is not one of those two. Now, does that sound like some huge group who’s going to decide the election to you?

I mean, would you even be worried about Biden’s age if you and every single person you know hadn’t seen it with your own eyes then talked about it all week?

So, I think it’s time for all you pundits, pollsters, podcasters, interns, car salespersons, guidance counselors, Uber drivers, 401(k) managers, hairdressers, librarians, college students, small business owners, Subway sandwich artists, and stay-at-home parents out there to apologize to the American people. You have undermined the president and opened up a lane for Trump to return to power, and he will do nothing but lie, conceal, and make hugely important decisions based on ego—something the Biden-Harris campaign would never, ever do.

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69 days ago
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Fernand Pajot’s list of best documentaries ever

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I know most of them, a very good list:

So far I have as S Tier:

The Act of Killing
Apollo 11
Planet Earth 1/2
The Beatles Get Back
Searching for Sugar Man
Free Solo (?)
Citizenfour (?)

Anything else?

Did not make the list, but great:
Herzog stuff
Blue Planet
Our Planet Behind the Scenes
The Last Dance
The Vietnam War
My Octopus Teacher
Man on Wire
Jiro Dreams of Sushi
The Century of the Self
The Elephant Queen
Exit Though the Gift Shop

I suggest adding Robert Flaherty’s Louisiana Story, and also that Strauss-sympathetic movie about fans of The Shining, room something or other it is called?  What else?

The post Fernand Pajot’s list of best documentaries ever appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.

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71 days ago
Read the comments too. Some real gems on this list!
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18-Jun, 2024 - afternoon links, etc.

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Phoenix Is a Vision of America’s Future - The Atlantic

this is a wild george packer romp through the world of phoenix, complete with discussion of the water shortages, the politics of crazy and some solid takes on ASU.

it’s full of some real bangers. like this one from the jan-6 shaman …

Why had he gone to the Capitol in regalia on January 6? He had a spiritual answer and a political answer. The Earth’s electromagnetic field produces ley lines, he explained, which crisscross one another at sacred sites of civilizational importance, such as temples, pyramids, and the buildings on the National Mall. “If there’s going to be a million people assembling on the ley lines in Washington, D.C., it’s my shamanic duty, I believe, to be there and to ensure that the highest possible frequencies of love and peace and harmony are plugged into the ley lines.”

there’s little/nothing that’s encouraging in this piece, but it’s definitely worth the read.

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74 days ago
Good read. Including some of the linked articles.
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